Our team consists of physicians, nurses, addictions counsellors, social workers and professional support staff. Our team has years of clinical experience and will work with you to support your care needs.
The VODP team could not work for you without the professional work of our pharmacy partners. We work with many Alberta pharmacies to provide you with the medications that will reduce your opioid cravings and eliminate your withdrawal symptoms.
- We value access to those in need, wherever in Alberta they live.
- We are flexible and will accommodate individual needs, unless it compromises safety.
- We offer “clinical excellence” using technology to facilitate care.
- We practice acceptance and patience in knowing that our clients often come from difficult circumstances and that addiction is not a choice.
- We advocate for our clients to help them rebuild their lives and to pave the way for others to follow.
- We believe that punishment is not the antidote for addiction.
- We see empowerment as a powerful tool for wellness.