Turning Point Society

AB - Central Zone

Turning Point Society

AB - Central Zone

Spaces Available

Please contact service for availability.


Turning Point Society provides a selection of harm reduction tools that when safely used will prevent the transmission of HIV, Hepatitis C and other blood borne pathogens. We adhere to the best practice recommendations for Canadian Harm Reduction Programs by offering a range of supplies to help mitigate potential impacts of high-risk behaviour. Some of the items people can access within our office include: safer sex, drug use, and piercing supplies.

Overdose Prevention Support and Education Program

This program focuses on overdose prevention and response by providing education and support to people who use opioids and other drugs. The program also includes Naloxone education and distribution as well as post reversal debriefing

The program utilizes Registered Nurses and Outreach Workers to provide education to community groups, health professionals, the general public and any other groups who are interested. The training provided includes current drug trends, overdose prevention, identification of an overdose, overdose response including naloxone and post naloxone care.


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