Streetworks Needle Exchange – Edmonton Jasper Place Wellness Centre

AB - Edmonton Zone

Streetworks Needle Exchange – Edmonton Jasper Place Wellness Centre

AB - Edmonton Zone

Spaces Available

Please contact service for availability.


Streetworks is based on the principles of harm reduction, health promotion, and primary health care. The Streetworks Harm Reduction approach would be defined as a set of non-judgmental strategies and approaches, which aim to provide or enhance the skills, knowledge, resources and support street involved injection drug users’ and sex trade (target population) need to live safe and healthier lives. People become connected to agency staff that they trust, and the staff can then help them access services such as treatment centres or medical care.


  • Increase the knowledge and understanding about Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV and other health issues that affect the target population.
  • Assist the target population in maintaining or improving their own health.
  • Provide service users with the skills, knowledge, resources and support needed to remain safer and healthier.
  • Assist and act as advocates improving accessibility to supports and services as needed as well as decrease barriers in the community.
  • Create trusting relationships with members of the target group and give positive feedback in order to build self-worth.
  • Increase the knowledge and understanding among organizations, community agencies, and individuals around the target population and harm reduction
  • Access to clean equipment is essential to lessen the spread of infections. Therefore, we provide clean needles (1 for 1 exchange), alcohol wipes, clean water, condoms, lubrication, vitamins, and first aid supplies if necessary.


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