Safeworks is a harm reduction program that aims to minimize risks and improve health outcomes for people who use drugs and other populations disproportionally affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).
This program provides care, treatment, and support for people with a history of drug use. Services include:
- risk reduction supplies and information
- safer substance use and overdose prevention and response education
- testing and counselling for HIV, Hepatitis (A, B, C), COVID, syphilis, gonorreah and chlamydia
- vaccinations
- physical and mental health assessments with appropriate intervention and referrals to health and social services
- overdose prevention and response presentations to community members and organizations
Supervised Consumption Services
These services are part of a range of evidence-based services that support prevention, harm reduction and treatment for Albertans living with substance use challenges. Providing a place where people can use drugs in a monitored, hygienic environment to reduce harm from substance use while offering additional services such as:
- counselling
- social work
- opioid-dependency treatment
Safeworks Connect is a team who support the Supervised Consumption Site and its clients, the immediate neighbors of Sheldon M. Chumir, and other programs within the Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre. The teams’ mission statement is to build relations by being present to foster healthy communities. Safeworks Connect runs twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, and is available to assist with:
- client engagement
- needle debris clean up and / or questions or concerns regarding the Supervised Consumption Site and harm reduction