Northreach – Grande Prairie

AB - North Zone

Northreach – Grande Prairie

AB - North Zone

Spaces Available

Please contact service for availability.


We provide services to Northern Alberta from a Harm Reduction philosophy.

Supervised Consumption Services

Supervised consumption services are available at Rotary House. Services include referrals to medical services, detoxification, Methadone/Suboxone, needle disposal, long term treatment, emergency and permanent supportive housing and education, and the Women’s Health Outreach Pregnancy Program.

Harm Reduction

The Grande Prairie Needle Distribution Program is accessible in three ways.

Office: Needles, steri-cups, sterile water, citric, ties, filters, alcohol swabs and sharps containers are available during regular business hours.

Outreach: The outreach teams carry the above items on weekday afternoon and evening outreach to the downtown core.

Pharmacies: Needles and alcohol swabs are available in premade kits supplied by Northreach through the local pharmacies.

Naloxone / Overdose Prevention Program

Self-referred program available to any member of the public, Monday – Friday during office hours, on a walk-in basis. Education will be provided on administration of Naloxone, follow up care, safer drug use to help prevent overdose, signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose. Training can be provided on an individual basis or in a group setting for businesses or community organization. Take home Naloxone kits will be provided free of charge.


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