Addiction and Mental Health – Opioid Dependency Program – Strathcona

AB - Edmonton Zone

Addiction and Mental Health – Opioid Dependency Program – Strathcona

AB - Edmonton Zone


Provides methadone or Suboxone® maintenance treatment to people dependent on opioids and helps them access services they need to live healthy lives.

Provides methadone or Suboxone® maintenance treatment in an outpatient setting. Patients are stabilized on methadone or Suboxone® under close medical supervision and evaluation of response to medication.

When they are properly prescribed and dispensed, a person on either medication is able to function normally with no drowsiness and no withdrawal symptoms. When taken as prescribed, both methadone and Suboxone® are safe medications and can be taken over a long term.

Services available may include:

  • ongoing support and monitoring (e.g. prescription management, medical follow up, urine testing, counselling and treatment planning)
  • health, safety and risk reduction teaching and management
  • source of information and expertise for community stakeholders on Opioid Agonist Treatment and Suboxone®
  • links to community pharmacists
  • links to other addictions treatment services
  • links to other social and health support systems
  • hepatitis and HIV screening

Services are voluntary and confidential.


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